The Russian invasion of Ukraine, which began in February 2022, surprised many. Yet, those living in the Western world seem to have forgotten about the conflict until now, for very good reasons. Kim Jong-un, the so-called “Supreme Leader” … Continue reading
Oliver Scott-Hansen
Oliver "Ollie" Scott-Hansen is an undergraduate student at McGill University studying history and Russian language, hailing from just outside New York City, yet maintaining similarly strong ties to his familial heritage in north and central Italy. He joined the Catalyst team in Fall 2024 as a staff writer, something he enjoys doing as a hobby as well. With a particularly vested interest in Eastern Europe, the post-USSR world, and the Russo-Ukrainian war, coupled with his various connections throughout the global international relations space, Ollie reports on issues throughout the world that mostly center around key geopolitical developments in contentious places mostly involving war/conflict, and domestic affairs within the United States. He has experience mainly reporting from Telegram, carefully analyzing the Russian Invasion of Ukraine through his updates forum there, but also spends considerable amounts of his free time glued to maps and statistics trying to make sense of the crazy world that surrounds our day-to-day lives.
One Country One System: Warnings From Hong Kong
On July 1st, 1997, the United Kingdom handed over the crown jewel of its last remaining overseas possessions, that being Hong Kong, to China, as they had previously agreed in the past. However, although widely supported by both parties, this … Continue reading