The Axis of Evil: America’s Interference with “Rogue States”

As shown by the history of the Cold War, the threat of mutually assured destruction is the most effective way to deter the United States from forcing its influence upon a sovereign nation. If any other country were in their shoes, they would be foolish not to do the same. Not only is the United States utterly ill-suited to perform the role of world police, they are perhaps the most powerful rogue state to ever exist. 

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The 2022 Beijing Olympics: China’s Tool to Consolidate Its Authoritarianism

More than a decade later, China has become even more powerful politically and economically, and Beijing became the only city in the world that held both summer and winter Olympics. However, the 2022 winter Olympics led to more drama than the 2008 summer Olympics, which was ignited by the long-standing debate on China's authoritarianism and suspected human rights violations.

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South Korea-Japan Relations: Will the Hostility Ever End?

The mutual animosities between Japan and South Korea remain hostile and unresolved, tied to lingering wounds that have not yet been healed from a century ago. The most critical dispute rooted in the history of these two nations is the “comfort women” crisis — tens of thousands of women across Asia, most of them Korean, were sent into military brothels to service Japanese soldiers as sex slaves.

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