En 1977, la loi 101, ou la Charte de la langue française, est adoptée afin de désigner le français comme la langue officielle de l’État québécois. Toujours reconnue aujourd’hui, celle-ci prescrit les activités d’enseignement, de travail et de communications à … Continue reading
Category: The Americas
Navigating the Post-Roe Landscape: Understanding the Dangers of Restrictive Legislation in the U.S.
Following the overturn of the landmark 1973 Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, which previously granted women across the United States the constitutional right to safely access abortion services, the country is facing a crisis. In the past months, … Continue reading
Changement climatique, conflits et réfugiés : Les enjeux géopolitiques d’un monde en surchauffe
Le réchauffement climatique est un phénomène qui préoccupe de plus en plus la communauté internationale. Il s’agit d’une augmentation significative et durable des températures à l’échelle mondiale, résultant principalement de l’émission excessive de gaz à effet de serre par les … Continue reading
La Petite-Bourgogne, berceau de la communauté noire historique du Québec
L’un des mythes les plus courants au Québec est que la communauté noire de Montréal soit entièrement issue d’une immigration récente. Bien qu’une grande portion des Noirs au Québec soit nouvellement immigrante de la francophonie antillaise et africaine, l’histoire de … Continue reading
The Threat Against Civil Society In Nicaragua
Societies can be split into three key sectors: governmental, business, and civil. Specifically, civil society is typically composed of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), grassroots organizations, unions, churches, universities and more. Scholars such as Ernest Gellner and Alexis de Tocqueville have highlighted … Continue reading
Falling Eagle, Rising Dragon: The Saudi-Iranian Detente and Broader Implications
In 2016, Saudi Arabia and Iran suspended diplomatic relations, marking the latest chapter in a long history of contention and conflict between the two regional powers in the Middle East. However, in a surprising turn of events, China, a … Continue reading
Rocky Roxham Road: the Future for Immigration and the French-Language in Quebec
Maternal Health, Gender Bias, and the Growing Need for Intersectionality in the Health Sector
The history of gender-based discrimination, both old and omnipresent, can be traced back to when humans started to develop agriculture. Thousands of years later, the Western world began to acknowledge this inequality and the suffrage movement initiated the codification of … Continue reading
The Trump Indictment: Does Anything Change?
This week, former President Donald Trump became the first former US president to face criminal charges. Mr. Trump faces over 30 criminal counts for document fraud relating to a payment made during the 2016 election to porn star Stormy Daniels. … Continue reading
L’hypocrisie Américaine dans son Discours Environnemental
Quel est le plus grand défi auquel est confrontée notre génération ? Le changement climatique.
En raison de l’accroissement des émissions de gaz à effet de serre dues à l’activité humaine, la température moyenne de la planète a augmenté de … Continue reading