The Dubious Ethics of Shopping on Amazon

The argument about whether one's support of Amazon, or lack thereof, is significant enough to make a substantial difference has been hotly debated. However, in some circumstances Amazon is the only means of shopping for some areas and its convenience and affordable shipping expenditures may oftentimes be unavoidable for remote and vulnerable communities, such as Iqaluit.

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Art et Développement – Interview avec Prof. Patrick Alcedo.

A Will to Dream suit le parcours de Luther Perez, ancienne star du ballet aux Philippines qui décide d’enseigner la danse aux enfants et aux jeunes défavorisés des quartiers pauvres de Quezon City. On y suit l’évolution de ces jeunes danseurs, en abordant des questions de précarité du travail, de grossesse chez les adolescentes, ou encore de drogues.

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The Squid Game Mania : A New Era of Entertainment (No Spoilers Included)

After Parasite's huge success in 2019 as the first non-English-language film to win the best-picture Oscar, and with the ever-growing popularity of Kpop and Kdramas; Korean pop culture has been put at the forefront of global entertainment. But nothing has compared to Squid Game’s rapid and exponential popularity in so little time. 

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China’s LGBT Communities: Exploring The Chinese “Gay City”

According to Chinese sociologist Wei Wei, Chengdu’s healthy LGBT community is credited to its successful change of “place to space”. Indeed, China’s rapid economic development creates a hotbed for the spread of consumerism, which is especially salient in Chengdu, the beneficiary of the Great Western Development Strategy, which made Chengdu the regional economic development center. One of the many results of consumerism is the emergence of entertainment establishments. However, for people who are oppressed for their identity and would like to meet like-minded people, these establishments are entitled with a different meaning —these places are haven-like spaces in which they can fully express themselves without other people’s judgment and where they can still have fulfilling social lives. 

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The Overlooked Inequality Present in Gulf Nations

If, as the rest of the world moves towards equality and justness, the Gulf moved in the same direction, many migrant workers would benefit and live better lives as a result. This is only possible, however, if Gulf nations recognize their faults and work to reverse them by giving migrant labourers more opportunities and benefits like those of their own citizens.

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