Changement climatique, conflits et réfugiés : Les enjeux géopolitiques d’un monde en surchauffe

Le réchauffement climatique est un phénomène qui préoccupe de plus en plus la communauté internationale. Il s’agit d’une augmentation significative et durable des températures à l’échelle mondiale, résultant principalement de l’émission excessive de gaz à effet de serre par les Continue reading

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A Look at the Gender Gap in Agricultural Productivity

Approximately 60-80% of the world’s food is grown by women, but women farmers are consistently seen to be less productive than male farmers. On top of continuing to tackle institutional barriers, it is important to encourage the implementation of policy solutions that could help close this gap. The empowerment of women farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa has the power to greatly improve productivity in the agricultural industry, helping engender positive spillover effects such as improving GDP, increasing food security and lowering overall poverty. 

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