Grappling With the Surge of Gender Violence During COVID-19

Activism in the realm of women’s rights and more specifically in prevention and treatment of violence towards women is an arena that must be tackled from multiple angles. Gendered violence is an age-old problem that cannot be solved in one fell swoop. Rather, one must recognize the severity and depth of the issue in order to properly act.

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Alessandra Munduruku: A Symbol Hope for the Indigenous Peoples of Brazil

Above everything, the 2020 Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights prize has revealed the importance of Alessandra Korap Munduruku and other Indigenous peoples’ claims and has officially marked her place as a relevant figure for human rights activism. The award may be perceived as just another step closer to the recognition of Brazilian indigenous’ rights.

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Human Rights Activism Week — Opening Statement

The need for action on Human Rights is at an all-time high—and our set of pieces selected for this week aspire to demonstrate the various ways that organizations and individuals have worked to push back against growing inequities present across the world. In the end, we hope that these articles will fuel a sense of empowerment, ultimately showing that bottoms-up activism remains alive and well, despite trying times.

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Challenging the International Response to the Refugee Crisis

Thus far, the global response of most developed countries has been to funnel money into the international refugee support system, which provides humanitarian aid relief through the establishment of refugee camps. As these camps are short-term solutions, in most host countries, refugees lack the right to work or move freely. This might not have been a problem if the duration of their stay were short, however the conflicts from which refugees flee usually last indefinitely.

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