The Russian invasion of Ukraine, which began in February 2022, surprised many. Yet, those living in the Western world seem to have forgotten about the conflict until now, for very good reasons. Kim Jong-un, the so-called “Supreme Leader” … Continue reading
Tag: North Korea
Human Rights in North Korea and the Advocacy of HanVoice
Western media portrayal of North Korea depicts an autocratic regime ruled by a dictator obsessed with the country’s nuclear weapons program. But is that all there is to North Korea? By not covering North Korea’s systemic human rights violations, news outlets undermine the graveness of the humanitarian crisis in the country.
The Axis of Evil: America’s Interference with “Rogue States”
As shown by the history of the Cold War, the threat of mutually assured destruction is the most effective way to deter the United States from forcing its influence upon a sovereign nation. If any other country were in their shoes, they would be foolish not to do the same. Not only is the United States utterly ill-suited to perform the role of world police, they are perhaps the most powerful rogue state to ever exist.
Interview with Suzanne Bonfils
Catalyst interviewed Suzanne Bonfils to discuss her upcoming article “China and the North Korean Refugee Crisis: State Sovereignty and the Dangers of 'Strategic Ambivalence'” in the Spring 2019 issue of Chrysalis. Her article addresses the strategic ambivalence of China towards North Korea, which has affected the North Korean refugee crisis greatly.