Excerpt: Internally, the country is a model for the rest of the world in terms of progress. It is the continuous exportation of crude oil that hinders the nation’s ability to seriously reduce its overall impact. This is the Norwegian … Continue reading
Category: Europe
Les élections présidentielles en Russie sont-elles toujours pertinentes ?
Le 17 mars passé avaient lieu les élections présidentielles en Russie et la victoire de Vladimir Poutine n’a fait aucun doute. Gagner les récentes élections signait un quatrième mandat pour le président qui est entré au pouvoir le 31 décembre … Continue reading
La question des statistiques ethniques : Entre utilité et controverse
Les statistiques ethniques sont des données mesurées lors des recensements de population afin de quantifier les proportions des différentes ethnies présentes dans un pays. Ces statistiques sont utilisées depuis plus d’un siècle, dans des États comme les Pays-Bas, le Canada … Continue reading
The Death of Russian Journalist Alexei Navalny
Excerpt: An in-depth look at the circumstances surrounding Russian Opposition Leader and journalist Alexei Navalny’s recent death; and what his passing means for Russia’s future.
“He loved life in many ways … he knew so much, and he knew so … Continue reading
The Rise of Digital Nomad Villages: Revolutionizing Work and Lifestyle in the Post-Pandemic World
In a world where technology continually redefines the boundaries of work and life, the emergence of digital nomadism stands as a testament to this era of transformation. Not so long ago, the term digital nomad was a novel concept, conjuring
Far-Right Scandal in Germany: The Rise of the AfD
Nationwide protests have been occurring in Germany in the past few weeks since January 15, 2024, when the German news outlet Correctiv leaked the contents of a closed-door meeting with members of Germany’s far right. The meeting, which occurred on … Continue reading
Overcoming Police Racial Profiling and Discrimination in France
Excerpt: An analysis on racial discrimination by police within France and their broader colourblind policies following recent current events: the killing of Nahel Merzouk and the government’s ruling on a pro-police reform class action lawsuit.
France has a rich history … Continue reading
Far Right Politics on the Rise in Europe
Geerts Wilder, leader of the PVV or Freedom Party, won 37 seats out of 150 in the Dutch elections on November 22 of this year. Mr. Wilders is a political figure characterized by his radical views on the subject of … Continue reading
Museum piracy: the illicit trafficking of cultural property
Every year on November 14, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) holds an International Day against Illicit Trafficking in Cultural Property. The day is observed to raise awareness of the ongoing global issue of … Continue reading
La récente grève féministe en Islande et ses révélations sur l’égalité entre hommes et femmes
Ce 24 octobre 2023, la première ministre islandaise affirmait au quotidien islandais Iceland Monitor ne pas aller au travail et attendre que toutes les femmes du pays fassent de même. L’objectif de la première ministre Katrín Jakobsdóttir est de … Continue reading