Armenia and Azerbaijan both claiming authority over the Nagorno-Karabakh region has resulted in disputes dating back to the 1990s. Formally recognized as an autonomous region of Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh consists of predominantly ethnic Armenians. The “anti-terrorist” operation by Azerbaijan on September … Continue reading
Category: Middle East
Saudi Arabian and Israeli Normalization: A Deal Doomed from the Start?
Disclaimer: Most of this article was written before the start of the October 7th war and is now updated to reflect current circumstances before publication. News sources with comprehensive, up-to-date live coverage of the ongoing Israel-Hamas war and humanitarian crisis … Continue reading
Le duel des géants : Pétroyuan menace l’hégémonie du pétrodollar
Le pétrole, souvent qualifié d’« or noir », occupe une place centrale dans la géopolitique mondiale. Sa maîtrise et son contrôle déterminent non seulement la prospérité économique d’un pays, mais aussi son influence et sa puissance sur la scène internationale. … Continue reading
Human Rights Abuses Along Turkish Border Wall
The United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) reports at least 3.6 million registered Syrians in Turkey, effectively making it the country hosting the most refugees globally. Turkey has held this title since the onset of the Syrian refugee crisis … Continue reading
La question du Sahara occidental : Son influence sur les relations diplomatiques marocaines
« Je voudrais adresser un message clair à tout le monde : le dossier du Sahara est le prisme à travers lequel le Maroc considère son environnement international, et l’aune qui mesure la sincérité des amitiés et l’efficacité des partenariats … Continue reading
Op-Ed: Stop talking about the submarine, and start talking about society’s abysmal submersion in media inequality.
Over the past three weeks, the international news topic that has dominated discussions among my peers has been the Titan submarine. “Did you hear it was rumoured they knew about an issue before going down”? “The leaked CEO’s emails disclosed … Continue reading
L’impact de la colonisation française sur les institutions politiques libanaises
Après la Première Guerre mondiale et le Traité de Versailles, la France et le Royaume-Uni mettent la main sur des nouveaux territoires proches et Moyen-Orient. Cette acquisition découle d’un accord secret entre les deux puissances coloniales; l’accord de Sykes-Picot où … Continue reading
Changement climatique, conflits et réfugiés : Les enjeux géopolitiques d’un monde en surchauffe
Le réchauffement climatique est un phénomène qui préoccupe de plus en plus la communauté internationale. Il s’agit d’une augmentation significative et durable des températures à l’échelle mondiale, résultant principalement de l’émission excessive de gaz à effet de serre par les … Continue reading
Slavery by Another Name: The Kafala System and the Exploitation of Immigrant Workers
The Kafala system “is a model for the regulation of migrant workers used throughout the Gulf Cooperation Council” and is regularly used in Islamic states, like Qatar. The system has enabled a greater numbers of migrants to enter the … Continue reading
The Fine Line Between Global Urbanism and Utilizing Migrant Workers
“The future of urban living.” “A civilizational revolution that puts humans first”— these are just a couple of the taglines found on the Line’s website, showcasing Saudi Arabia’s most ambitious project yet. Directed by the NEOM Company Board, the … Continue reading