The Axis of Evil: America’s Interference with “Rogue States”

As shown by the history of the Cold War, the threat of mutually assured destruction is the most effective way to deter the United States from forcing its influence upon a sovereign nation. If any other country were in their shoes, they would be foolish not to do the same. Not only is the United States utterly ill-suited to perform the role of world police, they are perhaps the most powerful rogue state to ever exist. 

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Dubai’s Artificial Islands : Cutting Edge Innovation or Ecological Disaster?

Dubai’s relationship to the environment is problematic as its avant-guardist ambitions clash with the persistence of a sustainable environment and, therefore, a sustainable future. Among other practices, the artificial islands off the coast of the city have grave environmental consequences, such as excessive use of natural resources, the slow decline of biodiversity, along with the extinction of wildlife and vegetation.

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Lebanon’s Seemingly Endless Search for Stability

Today, Lebanon is feeling the effects of a war it is fighting against no one, but itself. Its economy has plummeted and social unrest has been a key repercussion of everything that has gone on over the past two years. A sense of lawlessness has erupted and altercations between different ethnic groups have become increasingly prevalent for the first time in over 30 years, corresponding to the end of the last major internal crisis the nation of Lebanon has dealt with.

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The Overlooked Inequality Present in Gulf Nations

If, as the rest of the world moves towards equality and justness, the Gulf moved in the same direction, many migrant workers would benefit and live better lives as a result. This is only possible, however, if Gulf nations recognize their faults and work to reverse them by giving migrant labourers more opportunities and benefits like those of their own citizens.

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