Tree Planting: The Solution to the Climate Crisis, or Justification for Environmental Degradation?

Tree planting is often employed by corporations attempting to offset the environmental degradation they cause and governments as a solution to mitigate the impacts of climate change. However, large-scale reforestation operations can have harmful socio-economic impacts on local communities when they fail to take into account traditional uses of their selected sites of operation. Therefore, the effectiveness of planting new trees alone as a tool in combating the climate crisis should be called into question. 

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Over Tourism: Native Hawaiians Pay the Price

These corporations exclude Hawaiians from business decisions, and rarely distribute any of their wealth to Hawaiian residents. Those involved in the tourism industry accumulate wealth and rarely distribute it to you Hawaiian residents. Approximately ⅕ of Hawaiian residents classify as near-homeless, despite the state bringing in 4.86 billion in visitor spending in the first six months of 2021.

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COVID-19 Sheds Light on Economic Barriers in Canadian Healthcare

As the pandemic wages on, it has become clear that while we may all be in this together, we are not all in this equally. Emerging statistics on COVID-19 transmission, infection, and death rates have shown that individuals from low-income communities are at a higher risk of  both catching the disease and developing fatal complications.

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