Category: Gender & Sexuality
Romane Bonnier’s tragic death points to a pattern of increasing rates of femicide – the gender-based killing of women/girls – across Canada and an alarming surge in violence against women.
To Speak or Not to Speak ?
Lors de discussions sur le féminisme, certains déclarent que les hommes n’ont pas leur mot à dire. Lorsqu’il s’agit de parler et d’agir contre le racisme, d’autres défendent que seules les personnes racisées peuvent prendre la parole.
China’s LGBT Communities: Exploring The Chinese “Gay City”
According to Chinese sociologist Wei Wei, Chengdu’s healthy LGBT community is credited to its successful change of “place to space”. Indeed, China’s rapid economic development creates a hotbed for the spread of consumerism, which is especially salient in Chengdu, the beneficiary of the Great Western Development Strategy, which made Chengdu the regional economic development center. One of the many results of consumerism is the emergence of entertainment establishments. However, for people who are oppressed for their identity and would like to meet like-minded people, these establishments are entitled with a different meaning —these places are haven-like spaces in which they can fully express themselves without other people’s judgment and where they can still have fulfilling social lives.
Tackling Period Poverty in Canada
In Canada, 1/3 of menstruators under 25 have struggled to pay for period products. Along with many other countries, the Canadian government has not recognized these fundamental necessities as such. This is evident through the federal government's luxury of 1991, also known as the “pink tax” which treated sanitary products as luxury items rather than necessities. This tax points to the gender inequality at play; through this tax, not only were period products made inaccessible, but Canada racked in $37 million from menstruators. It was not until 2015, which is when the #notaxontampons campaigns occured, that it was removed.
Indigenous Women, The Fastest Growing Prison Population in Canada
Canada’s justice system has a standing crisis that is the overrepresentation of Indigenous peoples that are incarcerated. However, for Indigenous women, this problem is a unique one. Indigenous women are the fastest-growing prison demographic in Canada, surpassing rates of Indigenous … Continue reading
The UAE, a Pioneer in Women’s Empowerment – But the Struggle Is Far from Over
Through a developmental lens, the UAE’s forward-thinking leadership subverts orientalist depictions of the Middle East, bound by the West’s artificially constructed binary between the "rational" West (us) versus the "irrational" East (them).
A Dangerous New Silence: The Implications of Turkey Withdrawing From the Istanbul Convention
The ratification of one treaty may not have a significant impact on the overall status of women in society, but withdrawal from that same treaty, especially one as central as the Istanbul Convention, is a clear sign of deteriorating women’s rights
The Myth of the Oriental Beauty: The History of the Hypersexualization of Asian Women
After nearly 200 years, Asian women are still not being given the respect and dignity that they deserve, all because of a sick and incorrect stereotype. When will the world stop seeing Asian women through this hypersexualizing and dehumanizing filter?
A Struggle For Acceptance: The Lingering Impacts of Colonialism on the LGBQT+ Community in Africa
The current restrictions on both the rights and protections of the LGBTQ+ community as seen with the closing of the centre in Ghana only contribute to a climate of intolerance and enforces colonial-era ideas on the norms of sexuality.
Sarah Everard and Dismantling Harmful Rhetoric on Gendered Violence
The kidnapping and murder of Sarah Everard sparked national outcry, evident in the protests, social media posts, and media articles written in response to her death. Her death quickly became a symbol of the violence that women face at the hands of men, and the system that upholds it.