In May 2023, incumbent Recep Tayyip Erdogan won his re-election campaign with 52% of the popular vote, securing another five-year term in Türkiye. Yet, his victory was marred with controversy. Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, Erdogan’s secular opponent in the presidential race, deemed … Continue reading
Tag: featured
Climate Change: The Social and Environmental Impacts of Popular Culture
Rapid technological advancements marked the rise of media’s steadfast growth—a vital application in shaping popular culture—transforming our communication, socialization, and knowledge exchange approaches. In particular, the emergence of media platforms has dramatically influenced society by contributing to the vitality and … Continue reading
The Uncertain Future of the EU After the 2024 Parliamentary Elections
From the 6th to the 9th of June, European Union (EU) citizens across all 27 member states gathered in polling stations to vote in the EU Parliamentary elections. With approximately 73% of EU citizens affirming that the EU affects their … Continue reading
Hezbollah-Israël : L’autre guerre au Moyen-Orient
« Un projet parallèle à leur génocide à Gaza » : voici comment l’écrivain Raja Farah, mieux connu sous son pseudonyme @ohmyhappiness, décrit les offensives d’Israël dans le sud du Liban. Cette phrase capte l’essence de la situation : les … Continue reading
Les élections présidentielles en Russie sont-elles toujours pertinentes ?
Le 17 mars passé avaient lieu les élections présidentielles en Russie et la victoire de Vladimir Poutine n’a fait aucun doute. Gagner les récentes élections signait un quatrième mandat pour le président qui est entré au pouvoir le 31 décembre … Continue reading
COP28 : Un tournant dans la lutte climatique ou un théâtre de conflits d’intérêts?
Le changement climatique se dresse comme le défi le plus colossal et le plus pressant de notre siècle, une crise planétaire qui transcende les frontières, les cultures et les économies. Dérivé des activités humaines, principalement de la combustion des énergies … Continue reading
Smart Home Technologies: Reinforcing Dated, Repressive Gender Roles
Despite women’s growing presence in the workforce, many continue to encounter difficulties balancing work inside and outside the home. Yet, in light of the widespread implementation of smart home technologies used in households today, marketed as “Digital Housekeepers,” … Continue reading
Technological Disparities: Exploiting the Global South and AI’s Hidden Human Labour
Due to the explosive growth of the tech industry, disparities between the Global North and the Global South are becoming increasingly apparent. Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) are revealing hidden inequalities that have been concealed behind the conceptual framework of … Continue reading
Le duel des géants : Pétroyuan menace l’hégémonie du pétrodollar
Le pétrole, souvent qualifié d’« or noir », occupe une place centrale dans la géopolitique mondiale. Sa maîtrise et son contrôle déterminent non seulement la prospérité économique d’un pays, mais aussi son influence et sa puissance sur la scène internationale. … Continue reading
Warming Arctic, Vanishing Traditions: Climate Change’s Detrimental Effect on Indigenous Communities
While it is unsurprising that global temperatures are rising rapidly, the Arctic is experiencing the effects at an expedited rate compared to the rest of the world. Changes such as thawing sea ice have opened up a new trade route, … Continue reading