The Kafala system “is a model for the regulation of migrant workers used throughout the Gulf Cooperation Council” and is regularly used in Islamic states, like Qatar. The system has enabled a greater numbers of migrants to enter the … Continue reading
Tag: immigration
Rocky Roxham Road: the Future for Immigration and the French-Language in Quebec
With more immigrants being turned from the Quebec border, a deeper analysis of Quebec's contradictions between immigration and French-language policies shows the road ahead.
Conférence et Entrevue avec Dr. Béland: Le Canada, un exemple idyllique pour l’accueil des migrants économiques: un mythe ou une réalité?
L’Institut d’études canadiennes de McGill (IECM) a organisé sa conférence annuelle le 27 et 28 octobre 2022. Cette année, des praticiens et académiciens se sont rassemblés afin d’aborder la comparaison des politiques d’immigration au Canada avec l’Europe, les États-Unis, et … Continue reading
The Illiberalism of Japan’s Detention Policies: an Interview with Professor Takamura
In this interview, I take you to Japan: an economic powerhouse, stable democracy, and a country known for its increasing reliance on migrant workers.
Interview with Alanna Sereboff
The Catalyst team had the pleasure of interviewing Alanna Sereboff to talk about her upcoming article “Making America Afraid Again: The Criminalization and Securitization of Migration in Post-9/11 America” in the Spring 2019 issue of Chrysalis. Her article looks at the Trump, Obama, and Bush administrations in the United States and their policies regarding immigration and refugees.