Les médias, souvent considérés comme les gardiens de la vérité, prétendent opérer avec une objectivité inébranlable. Pourtant, derrière cette façade d’impartialité se cache une réalité plus nuancée, où la manipulation de la perception des utilisateurs devient monnaie courante. Cette manipulation … Continue reading
Tag: politics
Love Jihad Laws in India: Is Religious Plurality at Odds with Matters of the Heart?
When our faith intertwines with the very fabric of the culture, politics, and human connection we design, India emerges as a captivating nexus. In a nation founded on democratic principles, the dance between secularism and religious plurality sets the stage … Continue reading
Thinking Biased, Acting Smart: How Cognitive Biases Shape International Politics
Human beings are inescapably, inherently, and unfortunately irrational beings. At least, this is the view Daniel Kahneman posited in his revolutionary novel, Thinking, Fast and Slow, which discusses the inherent cognitive biases that govern our decision-making and worldviews – … Continue reading
The Battle of the Speakers: Turmoil in the U.S. House of Representatives
Chaos erupted in the U.S. House of Representatives this October, which culminated in the unprecedented ousting of the Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy. The unfolding of events showcases a significant amount of power currently held by the most far-right … Continue reading
Technological Disparities: Exploiting the Global South and AI’s Hidden Human Labour
Due to the explosive growth of the tech industry, disparities between the Global North and the Global South are becoming increasingly apparent. Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) are revealing hidden inequalities that have been concealed behind the conceptual framework of … Continue reading
Venezuela: On the Verge of a Political Transformation After Recent Primary Elections?
On October 22, 2023, opposition candidate Maria Corina Machado won Venezuela’s primary elections. This event may indicate a shift towards free and fair elections for the presidential run scheduled in 2024 after years of economic crisis and authoritarian rule in … Continue reading
L’IA et le conflit russo-ukrainien : Le pitch d’un nouveau film dystopique
Tout droit sortie d’un film dystopique, l’intelligence artificielle (IA) occupe aujourd’hui une place prépondérante dans nos sociétés. En plus d’avoir changé nos vies, cette nouvelle technologie a modifié le paysage des conflits armés. Le conflit russo-ukrainien, ayant commencé en 2014, … Continue reading
Warming Arctic, Vanishing Traditions: Climate Change’s Detrimental Effect on Indigenous Communities
While it is unsurprising that global temperatures are rising rapidly, the Arctic is experiencing the effects at an expedited rate compared to the rest of the world. Changes such as thawing sea ice have opened up a new trade route, … Continue reading
Niger and the future of democratic states in Africa
On July 26, the Presidential Guard detained President Mohamed Bazoum inside his Palace in Niger’s capital, Niamey. This military takeover can be added to the extensive list of military takeovers in neighbouring countries since 2019. These include Mali in August … Continue reading
La France, Passerelle décisive entre la Chine et les Etats-Unis
Depuis le début du deuxième mandat de Xi Jinping, les relations sino-françaises connaissent une période que l’on pourrait qualifier de lune de miel. Non seulement les deux acteurs ont des intérêts en commun (lutter contre l’hégémonie économique des Etats-Unis, promouvoir … Continue reading