The Russian invasion of Ukraine, which began in February 2022, surprised many. Yet, those living in the Western world seem to have forgotten about the conflict until now, for very good reasons. Kim Jong-un, the so-called “Supreme Leader” … Continue reading
Tag: war
Learning From the Past: Canada’s War in Afghanistan and The Detainee Scandal
The 2009 detainee scandal in Canada evidenced how the government and military officials were informed of the inhumane treatment of detainees in Afghanistan but rejected and overlooked the numerous reports. When the media eventually brought the issue to light, it … Continue reading
The War in Sudan: Conflict Rages as the World Looks Away
While the international media fixes its attention on Ukraine and the Middle East, other equally devastating conflicts are comparatively forgotten. An example of this is the ongoing war in Sudan, a civil conflict primarily between the Sudanese Armed Forces and … Continue reading
L’IA et le conflit russo-ukrainien : Le pitch d’un nouveau film dystopique
Tout droit sortie d’un film dystopique, l’intelligence artificielle (IA) occupe aujourd’hui une place prépondérante dans nos sociétés. En plus d’avoir changé nos vies, cette nouvelle technologie a modifié le paysage des conflits armés. Le conflit russo-ukrainien, ayant commencé en 2014, … Continue reading
Falling Eagle, Rising Dragon: The Saudi-Iranian Detente and Broader Implications
In 2016, Saudi Arabia and Iran suspended diplomatic relations, marking the latest chapter in a long history of contention and conflict between the two regional powers in the Middle East. However, in a surprising turn of events, China, a … Continue reading
Somalia: A Failed State?
The civil war in Somalia is a conflict that continues to cause millions of deaths and represents trivialized violence rooted in Somali communities.
Somalia is one of the most ethnically homogenous African countries, with 85% of the population belonging to … Continue reading