“A thousand times dead, a thousand times relived,” echoes Lebanon’s history. Injustices. Corruption. Theft. Revolt. Resistance. Persistence. This phrase encapsulates the resilience of a nation striving to live in a country that mirrors its true essence, battling not just the … Continue reading
Category: Middle East
L’Israël en Cisjordanie : Une architecture d’occupation
Depuis ses débuts dans les années 1940, le conflit israélo-palestinien s’impose comme une crise régionale majeure qui continue aujourd’hui d’influencer le paysage géopolitique moyen-oriental.
La complexité du conflit se manifeste à travers diverses dimensions, les plus médiatisées étant les différents … Continue reading
Protecting the Rights of Migrant Domestic Workers in Kuwait
* Trigger warning: The following article contains sensitive content and violence
In January 2023, a 35-year-old Filipino domestic worker was found dead in a desert in Kuwait, pregnant, and burned. Her employer’s 17-year-old son was convicted and is to be … Continue reading
Israel Accused of Genocide at the International Court of Justice
“For some, the promise of ‘Never Again’ for all peoples is a slogan. For Israel, it is the highest moral obligation.” Tal Becker’s opening address to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) laid bare the poignant irony of the case … Continue reading
We Need to be Paying Attention to Saudi Arabia’s Role in Climate Politics
Excerpt: The Saudis continue to renege in agreements as a result of a tendency to nit-pick over wording and other semantics in particular climate conferences. This has arguably been done to slow climate progress, for the ultimate goal of the … Continue reading
The Rise of Digital Nomad Villages: Revolutionizing Work and Lifestyle in the Post-Pandemic World
In a world where technology continually redefines the boundaries of work and life, the emergence of digital nomadism stands as a testament to this era of transformation. Not so long ago, the term digital nomad was a novel concept, conjuring
COP28 : Un tournant dans la lutte climatique ou un théâtre de conflits d’intérêts?
Le changement climatique se dresse comme le défi le plus colossal et le plus pressant de notre siècle, une crise planétaire qui transcende les frontières, les cultures et les économies. Dérivé des activités humaines, principalement de la combustion des énergies … Continue reading
Manipulation médiatique : L’euphémisme du massacre palestinien
Les médias, souvent considérés comme les gardiens de la vérité, prétendent opérer avec une objectivité inébranlable. Pourtant, derrière cette façade d’impartialité se cache une réalité plus nuancée, où la manipulation de la perception des utilisateurs devient monnaie courante. Cette manipulation … Continue reading
Nuclear Deterrence: The Paradox of Peace in the Shadow of Annihilation
In the intricate realm of global politics, the weight of nuclear weapons casts a long and formidable shadow. Their mere existence isn’t just a testament to technological might and unprecedented destruction but a testament to a world held in tenuous … Continue reading
Moroccan Earthquake Catastrophe: How the Regime’s Mediocre Response Has Amplified Moroccans’ Hardship
A earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 has recently struck Morocco. Thousands have died from the disaster which has been exacerbated by the negligence of the Moroccan regime. While earthquakes are natural disasters that are not preventable, the state’s … Continue reading