In 2016, Saudi Arabia and Iran suspended diplomatic relations, marking the latest chapter in a long history of contention and conflict between the two regional powers in the Middle East. However, in a surprising turn of events, China, a … Continue reading
Category: Middle East
Beyond Education: The Reality of Unemployed Youth in the MENA Region
In a ‘post’-covid context, it is crucial to reconsider the role of the youth population in economic recovery and advancement. Particularly in the case of the MENA (Middle East & North Africa), which records among the highest levels of youth … Continue reading
Le Canada poursuit aussi une ‘REALPOLITIK’ de par son contrat d’armes avec l’Arabie Saoudite
Le contrat et la démocratie
En mai 2020, des organisations canadiennes de la société civile, dont Oxfam Québec, Oxfam Canada, et Amnistie Internationale Canada dénonçaient et critiquaient ouvertement la décision d’Ottawa de réouvrir le contrat d’armes avec le Royaume d’Arabie … Continue reading
Un séisme dévastateur, deux réactions distinctes
Le 6 février 2023 est un jour tragique et traumatisant pour la Turquie et la Syrie : des tremblements de terre ont eu lieu à proximité de la frontière de ces pays causant de graves séquelles humaines et matérielles. Le … Continue reading
Corruption and Bad Governance: How the Türkiye Earthquakes Could Have Been Prevented
On February 6, 7.8 and 7.5 earthquakes struck southern Türkiye and northern Syria, destroying all in their path and taking more than 45,000 lives in Türkiye alone. In Türkiye, more than 160,000 buildings collapsed or were severely damaged. Earthquakes … Continue reading
The Palestinian Apartheid: Rising Violence and the Possibility of a Third Intifada
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a long-standing and intricate issue that has been ongoing for over seven decades. The conflict is rooted in the struggle for land and resources in the region after the British government directed the immigration of Jewish … Continue reading
Higher Education for Women in Afghanistan: A Sensitive Subject
The war on women’s rights and bodies has been ongoing for decades, but in some places, the battle is worse than in others. On December 20, 2022, another heavy loss occurred in the progression of women’s rights as the Taliban … Continue reading
Intimidation: A Tool for the Authoritarian Islamic Regime
Violence, cruelty, and corruption run rampant in many authoritarian governments and play decisive roles in upholding their power. It is, therefore, much easier to overlook the subtler tactics responsible for these institutions’ impervious power. For better or worse, some of … Continue reading